Precise Psychic Readings

Love • Life • Health

About Sister Michelle

Sister Michelle is a trained spiritual adviser and Doctor of Naturalogy.

She was born with a true psychic gift and loving heart. She worked for the State for 17 years and also volunteers her time as a mental health counselor. She also worked hand in hand with shelters and agencies on child custody and abused women issues. She brings her knowledge of the court system to lead her clients in the right direction for their problems.

Sister Michelle has been a professional psychic since 1996. She has also been the featured advisor for several television specials concerning spiritual phenomenon. She has been working alongside of Bishop Phil for the last 15 years.


More About Sister Michelle

Sister Michelle provides her psychic services via phone and the Internet. She has worked with clients from as far away as England and as close as New York. She is always available for your e-mails and for personal readings over the phone. She shares her knowledge with the compassion and understanding that her beliefs are her own. She is always respectful and supportive to people with different views from her own.

On her down time Sister Michelle practices yoga and meditation, with her dogs, who are her constant companions. She practices these down by the water so that she can cleanse her body, mind and spirit. She also practices clean eating, like everyone else she has her vice and that is, she likes her sweets.

Sister Michelle also likes to read on her down time. Thru her reading she explores different avenues of spirituality so that she can better asset her clients. She treats each of her clients as family. She gives 100% of her time and talent to each and everyone who calls her or emails her.

Sister Michelle’s full life readings are by the session and not by the minute.

About Bishop Phil

Bishop Phil is a leading Spiritual Medium and Psychic Healer from Guyana. Bishop Phil was born in Guyana but he was raised in the States. He has been studying religions from all over the world for the past 30 years and has worked in all the Caribbean Islands.

Bishop Phil has invented a Spiritual Data Entry System for his clients in order to look into their past life, present situation, and future aspects. Keep and update progress notes. Without this, there is no way to see how we are growing.


More About Bishop Phil

Bishop Phil is considered to be one of the world’s leading psychic mediums, whose gifts go beyond the spirit world. He not only counsels you spiritually but also advises and guides you in other areas of your life, such as health and wellness.

Connect with Bishop Phil today for your psychic reading.

Psychic Readings & Services

Tarot Card/Karma Card Reading

Tarot Card Readings deal with more intensely personal things and on very specific issues. Karma Card Readings explains more of your spiritual alignment and spiritual journeys and needs in your life path.

Reiki Healing/Chakra Alignment

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique for stress reduction, relaxation and physical as well as spiritual/emotional healing. The word Reiki is compromised of two roots. One being “rei” which means: God’s wisdom and higher power.

Puja/Karma Offering

Puja is an offering to an altar, in which you bring some sort of “sweetness” or loving offering to an altar. This sweetness is offered to the spirit world, directed in such a way to bring goodness and positivity back into your life and into your spiritual path from above.

Reunite Loved Ones

Bishop Phil and Sister Michelle can look into a situation and help reunite those that are meant to be together. They can assist you in realizing if whether what you have with someone is truly a meeting of fate, destiny or love (perhaps this is your soul mate).

Removing Negative Energies

Luck brings us many things in our life. Sometimes the people who end up having the most influence in our lives-the chances that can make or break your dreams-all come from a combination of fate, luck and the energies influencing our lives.

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Readings & Pricing


Standard Reading – 15 Minutes

Immigration or Legal Problems?

Confused in Love?

Stressful Workplace?

Career Heading in Right Direction?


Full-Life Reading – No Time Limit

Immigration or Legal Problems?

Confused in Love?

Stressful Workplace?

Career Heading in Right Direction?

Is Sickness in Your Body? (Physical or Spiritual)

Compatibility Testing

Soulmate/Twin Flame?

Is Your Lover True or False? 


Spiritual Session / Full-Life Reading / Compatibility Testing

No Time Limit

Immigration or Legal Problems?

Confused in Love?

Stressful Workplace?

Career Heading in Right Direction?

Is Sickness in Your Body? (Physical or Spiritual)

Spiritual Data Entry

Soulmate/Twin Flame?

Is Your Lover True or False?


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